Thursday, January 3, 2013

MAJOR Announcement!

Sometime in the very very near future I will be moving this mess of a blog over to it's very own website. I just registered so i can make it an actual website and have it easier to find stuff like mods, info etc.

It will probably look something like my personal site minus all the gecko and snake pics..

I will be working on this today and it should have a rough outline soon.

Let me know if you have any suggestions for the new site! This website is for you guys!


  1. No gecko and snake pics? Laaaaameeeeee. Jk, As long as it's usable, it's good.

    (winter break has been hard on me, I hope that I WAS supposed to put the apostrophes after "it".

  2. I don't think i have control over the captcha settings. Not sure if it'll be on the other site or not but i know spam gets caught on my reg site.
