Saturday, February 2, 2013


The Website is now Live! From here on out I will be posting updates to the website. I will leave this blog up for now but will NOT be updating it.

Please go on over and check out the site!

Please leave a comment or contact me privately if there's something you'd like to see on the site!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

MAJOR Announcement!

Sometime in the very very near future I will be moving this mess of a blog over to it's very own website. I just registered so i can make it an actual website and have it easier to find stuff like mods, info etc.

It will probably look something like my personal site minus all the gecko and snake pics..

I will be working on this today and it should have a rough outline soon.

Let me know if you have any suggestions for the new site! This website is for you guys!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Once again...

Minecraft is updated.. Before Bukkit could get updated.

So do not update your jar. If you do let me know i have a clean Jar file I can send.

Also some good news. apparently in an upcoming patch there will be no need for Bukkit and with that the server will be updated faster! YAAY!! Most of the plugins on the server get updated at a decent rate.

But until then we have to grin and bear it. the server is still on free for all with the new map. You start in Creative but you are more than welcome to play on Survival.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Server updates

There's been a more stable release of Bukkit but some people are reporting issues so we are waiting to see what happens by tomorrow night. We are going to update Bukkit before the next update to MC comes out (which is apparently soon.. again!)

Other server news. The server sleep feature has been turned off, it was causing issues for myself so I asked for it to be turned off. No one mentioned having issues but I was getting fed up.

I've noticed some of the commands do not work like they use to. /spawn is one.  To teleport to someone you have to type out their full name unlike before when it was just the first 3 letters. Toggledownfall works but I found the time setting doesn't. I'm sure all this will be fixed once we get essentials and the other plugins back.

If you notice any issues please contact me on Skype, Steam or here.